Rhett has been a professional video editor since 1999. He has progressed through generations of software including Avid Media Composer, Avid Symphony, Final Cut Pro versions 2 through 7, and Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Creative Cloud suite.
I had the pleasure of editing Doane University’s 2019 trio of homepage recruitment videos for their Forensics, Music, and Theatre programs.
Client: Doane University
Roles: Editor, Shot Interviews and B-Roll.
QUICK TURNAROUND: I produced, shot, and edited this audition video for my mom to appear on NBC’s crafty reality show “MAKING IT” in under 12 hours.
Roles: Producer, Shooter, Editor
I produced, shot, and edited this 2018 overview for Ambassador Health’s Pediatric Care facility in Omaha.
Roles: Producer, Shooter, Editor
Rhett was hired to edit down a proof of concept interview for upcoming documentary “Remember The Drumstick” about Lincoln’s number one chicken shack / live music venue of the 1980’s.
Role: Editor
I produced and edited Bright Lights 2018 Campaign Videos from existing footage.
Client: Bright Lights
Roles: Producer, Editor
I had the pleasure of shooting and editing several informative campaign videos for Jessica McClure for Congress (no relation).
Roles: Producer, Shooter, Editor
I produced and edited this for the Firespring.com homepage.
Client: Firespring
Roles: Producer, Editor, shot approx 50% of this.
I produced and edited this detailed overview of Cool Planet, maker of Cool Terra, an engineered biocarbon that can help plants thrive with less water and chemical inputs.
Herbruck’s Egg Farm houses 80,000 cage free chickens in this facility. I produced, edited, and shot a fair amount of this 2015 profile of their operation.
Nathan Rogers shot this montage capturing the energy of St Baldrick’s LNK annual head-shaving fundraiser, I ended up editing this in 2015.
I produced and edited this 2017 promo that details in depth the benefits of Cool Terra engineered biocarbon.
I produced and edited, plus did motion graphics on these Super Saver weekly :30 Donut Love 120fps slo-mo wonders! Shot on RED ONE MX.
Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District owns the waterways that irrigate farmland from Lake McConaughy down into central Nebraska. This is one of my favorite clients ever!
“Better Know A Springer” was an idea I pitched to management. I got to produce, edit, direct a series of SEVEN zany 2 minute interviews between employees, showing Firespring culture. Inspired by two white leather couches setup in the large conference room.
I produced, directed, and edited this 2015 fundraiser gala video for Neighborworks Lincoln.
I produced and edited this for INSPRO Insurance to show off their Grain Bin Safety Training series:
I edited this for Tobacco Free Nebraska and it won a Bronze Telly in 2016. Special shoutout to the talented artist friend who drew all this: Jim Mehsling.
Flashback to my reel from 2012.
One of my favorite projects of the standard def 2000’s was producing and editing the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital “Goal Awards”.
I produced, shot, edited, and did VFX + SFX mix finishing.
I really loved the way this edit turned out for State Games of America.
Roles: Producer, Editor, shot approx 50% of this.
Rhett Edited This: Collection on Vimeo.com/RhettMcClure
Videos hosted on Vimeo.com/Firespring embedded with permission.